Holder Boost
The Holder Boost tool is your perfect solution for effortlessly growing the number of holders for your token, allowing you to build a thriving, buzzing community around your project. To get started, head to the Tools page at TokenJungle.io and select "Holder Boost".
How to Use the Holder Boost Tool:
Go to the Holder Boost tool page.
Connect Your Wallet - Connect your web wallet by clicking on the "Connect Wallet" button at the top right of the screen.
Select Your Token - Input your token’s contract address or choose a token from your wallet by clicking "Select from Wallet."
Select a liquidity pool - If there are multiple liquidity pools for your token, select your preferred liquidity pool. If there's only one liquidity pool, it will be selected automatically.
Choose the holder type:
Holders for 1 week – If you select this option, holders will be created and held for a week, then removed. This option is best for short-term tokens.
Permanent holders – This option is more expensive but best for long-term tokens, as created holders will stay forever.
Select the number of holders you want to order or enter a custom amount. The minimum order is 500, and you can modify this number in increments of 10 (e.g., 510, 550, 1000, 1070, etc.).
Click the "Place Order" button and confirm the required transactions.
That's it! You can track the progress of your order on the "Order History" page.
Holder Boost FAQ
How much does it cost to use the Holder Boost tool?
The price for 500 holders for one week is 1 SOL (0.02 SOL per 10 holders). The price for 500 permanent holders is 2 SOL (0.04 SOL per 10 holders).
I'm not sure which liquidity pool to select.
If there are multiple liquidity pools and you’re unsure which one to select, always choose the AMM pool.
What is the minimum and maximum order amount?
The minimum order is 500 holders, and the maximum per order is 50,000 holders.
How fast will my order be filled?
Your order will start processing immediately and will be filled as quickly as possible, at approximately 50 holders per minute.
Can I track the progress of my order?
Yes! You can track your order in the "Order History" page. Simply find your order and click on it to view the progress.
Can I pause and resume my order?
Yes, you can pause and resume your order anytime from the "Order History" page.
Are the holders provided by the tool permanent?
There are two options: Permanent Holders and Holders for 1 Week. If you choose the permanent option, holders will remain forever.
My token holder count in DexScreener or Dextools hasn't updated after my order was filled.
Sometimes, DexScreener and Dextools take a few hours to update the holder count. If you want to check the count in real time, please visit your token's Solscan page.
Last updated